Sam McBean

Offers doula services in Greater London

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Contact details
(Please note that these details are the central EOL Doula UK contact details)

More about me

I am an End of Life Doula based in Hackney, East London. I am a compassionate listener and have a deep sense of how valuable it is to be seen and heard (in all aspects of life, including the dying process). As a doula, I help others die with as much agency, dignity, and individuality as they live their lives. I have also been told that I have a contagious laugh, which always helps during difficult times! I am skilled at connecting with people from a variety of backgrounds, religious denominations, and cultures. I strongly believe that supporting people at the end of life is invaluable care work that is integral to a community. I am particularly interested in working with LGBTQ individuals, people who practice non-monogamy, sex workers, or anyone else who has lived a life where they have not always experienced acceptance in relation to their gender or sexuality. I have a personal understanding of how death and the dying process might be inflected by these experiences and am passionate about honouring your life and your kinship networks.