Sarah Parker

Offers doula services in Devon

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Contact details
(Please note that these details are the central EOL Doula UK contact details)

More about me

I have always been interested in human connection and the healing that comes from that. In my twenties I studied Medicine, gained a degree as a doctor and worked in Torbay hospital. I left the profession as I had become disillusioned and felt unable to authentically connect with patients the way I wanted to, within the medical system. I went on to manage a holistic health centre and then train and practice as a craniosacral therapist. I developed and deepened my skills, particularly in nonverbal communication, deep listening and holding a safe space for people to rest in to.A few decades later, I underwent a huge initiation with the death and dying of my father. He endured intolerable pain with pancreatic cancer. As I sat alongside him in his dying, my capacity and resilience to not turn away from suffering but to stay present, open-hearted and connected became clear. My father meant the world to me, and I knew that if I could stay in connection with that degree of pain and suffering, with the person I loved so much, then my place was with those who are in their dying. I had become an “Amicus Mortis – a friend in death.”I have completed the Living Well Dying Well end of life doula Foundation training, and am pleased to be able to offer myself as an end of life doula, bringing with me my medical understanding, as well as deep compassion and steady ground.I am the founder and director of Dying with Grace CIC, which aims to make end of life care accessible to all those who need it in the community. For more info see love to walk and swim in wild nature, connecting to these lands and seas, and to spend time with my family and friends.