Sarah Chapman

Offers doula services in Devon

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Contact details
(Please note that these details are the central EOL Doula UK contact details)
Photo of Sarah Chapman, End of Life Doula UK

More about me

My name is Sarah and I am based in south Devon.  I have three adult children and two gorgeous grandchildren and all of them are a big part of my life.  I moved to this area to do a degree in Theatre and Arts Management nearly 30 years ago and enjoy walks in the countryside and wild swimming – when it is not too cold!

Over the years I have trained as a music and drama teacher, chorus director and Reiki practitioner then in 2012, I trained as an independent funeral celebrant.  I have met many wonderful families who shared their stories with me and I feel privileged to be able to create and perform their funeral ceremonies.  Since 2011, I have also run singing sessions for people with early dementia and their carers and we have become part of one big family.

I have just completed the Living Well Dying Well Foundation Training Course.  I feel it is important for everyone to be aware of all the choices there are at the end of life and for funerals.  Just knowing that there is someone who understands and can offer practical and emotional help is a great comfort.