Rachel Hawthorn

Offers doula services in West Yorkshire

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Contact details
(Please note that these details are the central EOL Doula UK contact details)
Rachel Hawthorn

More about me

I am an artist, shroud maker and end of life doula living in Hebden Bridge in West Yorkshire. I am very empathetic and supportive, and I am a good listener. I am also a trained Mindfulness Teacher. I am passionate about creativity and I believe it can be a mode of healing and comfort at times of grief and loss. I would love to support individuals and families with any art or creative projects around the end of life. I believe it is important to give everyone the support they need at the end of their lives to feel that they can have a ‘good death’, whatever that might look like for them. I believe that in supporting individuals and families at the end of life, loss and grief can be taken care of and perhaps eased a little. We will all experience loss at some point, it is part of life, and grief is part of life, what matters is how we take care of ourselves and each other at these difficult times, it makes all the difference.