Patricia Pegg Jones

Offers doula services in Greater London

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Contact details
(Please note that these details are the central EOL Doula UK contact details)
Pat Pegg Jones, End of Life Doula

More about me

Through my working life I have looked for ways to improve people’s lives.  While (or perhaps because) my first degree is in English Literature, I discovered early on my interest in people’s stories. Social anthropology taught me about how what is important to people is reflected in societies and their cultures. Starting out in psychiatric aftercare, I have worked with families, individuals and groups who either needed to address some problem or simply wanted things to be better.  I worked in social work settings and with communities seeking to influence decisions about their future. When I realisedthe importance of work to how people see themselves and experience the world, I shifted my focus to improving private and public sector organisations’ abilities to deliver their promises to their customers, employees and community. I co-founded a training organisation specialising in family therapy and group work, have published pieces about supervision, working with Death and Dying, and co-authored a book about the application of psychotherapeutic methods in an award winning general practice in Denmark. Serving as an End of Life Doula seems the most logical and important way for me to contribute at this point in my life.