Mandy Kazmierski

Offers doula services in West Yorkshire

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Contact details
(Please note that these details are the central EOL Doula UK contact details)

More about me

Hello, my name is Mandy. I am married with two children and currently learning to adapt as they both spread their wings.  I semi-retired in 2017 after 40 years in nursing and celebrated by climbing Salkantay Mountain in Peru. I continue to work two days a week as a community matron. I love nursing and have always been drawn towards end of life care.

I am passionate about normalising death and ensuring that when a person is approaching the end of their life it is recognised, that they get an opportunity to plan their care and ensure their wishes are known. My master’s dissertation in 2012 looked at advance care planning and do not resuscitate decision making. My research led me to the work of an end of life doula. I feel privileged to have trained with such a fantastic organisation as Living Well Dying Well.

In October 2018  I started working a day a week within my local hospital as a volunteer end of life doula. It’s been a wonderful sometimes difficult but hugely rewarding journey as I continue to learn from those I have the privilege to be there for.