Li Mills

Offers doula services in East Sussex

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Contact details
(Please note that these details are the central EOL Doula UK contact details)
Photo of Li Mills, end of life doula

More about me

Hi! I’m Li.

I trained as an End of Life Doula (or companion) when I realised that I felt comfortable talking openly about death and dying, and that in turn, others felt comfortable responding. I believe that acknowledging that we’re dying means living fully right until the end. Being an end of life companion is all about helping to enable individuals and their friends and families for that to happen, through practical and emotional support. I’ve had the chance to do this for family, friends and strangers. It’s a huge privilege to accompany people at the end of life, and I’ve worked in homes, with families and stayed in a hospice with a person I was supporting. When not working one-to-one with individuals, I run death cafes and End of Life planning workshops.

I live in Brighton, with my husband, and have 2 grown-up children. I’m a musician, directing and arranging indie and alternative music for choirs. I have used singing and music with people at end of life, as both therapy and fun.

I also work as a funeral arranger and funeral celebrant for Arka Funerals in Brighton.

I enjoy music, film, books, food, yoga, but most of all, people. I enjoy chatting with people, playing games, doing crosswords, and finding out new things. I love the sea and the countryside, especially woodland.  I run, but am just as happy on the sofa. I like dancing round the kitchen to my jukebox and I don’t care what the neighbours think!

As an ex-primary school teacher, I am very experienced working alongside children and families. I’ve also run choirs for teenagers, young adults with learning difficulties and people with dementia. People say I’m friendly, approachable, supportive, good at communicating and listening, and have a good sense of humour. I’m not particularly conventional and am very open to meeting all sorts of new people. I’m down to earth, and calm in a crisis.