Emma Dixon

Offers doula services in Greater London

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Contact details
(Please note that these details are the central EOL Doula UK contact details)

More about me

I am a barrister specialising in human rights law and I am a mother to three teenage children.

I was moved by the death of my lovely mother to train as an end of life doula. I believe that we all need to understand more about the end of life. Dying is still living.  The end of life can be a time full of hope and potential, forgiveness and love, joy and blessing – as well as sadness and letting go. With the fantastic training provided by Living Well Dying Well and Hermione Elliott, I have learnt how to be fully present, to hold space and to draw in resources to nurture a dying person – in body, mind, heart, and soul – and to nurture their family. Death is coming to us all and I believe that everyone should have the chance to plan a peaceful death in the place of their choosing, even if (as with everything in life), things don’t always go according to plan!

In my spare time I enjoy cold-water swimming all through the winter and recently swam in the Arctic!