Our Constitution

Download a pdf version of our constitution here


End of Life Doula UK was established in June 2018 as a community of practice and a membership association for End of Life Doulas who have trained or are in training with Living Well Dying Well.  

We work with individuals who are approaching the end of their lives, and those important to them. Our ethos is that of building Compassionate Communities who can support a dying person, the elderly, those living with dementia, and their family, friends and neighbours, to get the practical and emotional support they need, guiding them through, and being alongside, with dying, death and bereavement.


  • EOLDUKis a Community Interest Company acting as a membership body
  • An annual membership fee will be payable on joining and on the anniversary of joining thereafter
  • Membership is required to be in receipt of membership benefits. Details of membership benefits can be found here https://eol-doula.uk/join-eol-doula-uk-membership/

Approval for Membership

All applications for membership must be approved by a minimum of two Directors of the CIC. The decision to approve or decline an application is at the Directors’ discretion and is final. Reasons for not accepting an application include but are not limited to, acting in a way which is believed to be lacking in integrity; bringing EOLDUKor Living Well Dying Well into disrepute; denigrating, in a public forum, Living Well Dying Well, EOLDUKor any individual within the network; misrepresenting experience or training with LWDW; and operating in a manner which is not congruent with EoLDUK’s Code of Practice. Similarly, these are grounds for withdrawing membership.

Cessation of membership

  • When the annual membership fee has not been paid after 3 months of the renewal date
  • A member gives written notice to the Membership Coordinator of EOLDUK


All members are expected to show respect and tolerance to other members and their opinions. Any disrespect shall  be dealt with by the Directors and Committee in private. The Committee decision will be final. Members with a grievance shall forward their case in writing to the Directors who after private investigation and discussion with the Committee shall generate an unbiased ruling. The Committee decision will be final.

Equal Opportunities

EOLDUKhas an Equality and Diversity Policy. We will not discriminate on the grounds of age, disability, gender identification including gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law.             

Directors of the Community Interest Company (CIC)

The minimum and maximum number of Directors allowable are two and five. Directors (or replacements) will be appointed by the existing Directors in consultation with the EOLDUKCommittee.

Committee and Officers

  • The Directors of the CIC may delegate any powers which are conferred to them under the Articles of Association for the CIC
  • The Committee will comprise:
    • At least two Directors of the CIC (not elected)
      • One will be the Chair of the CIC (who will be a Director of the CIC, selected by the other Directors of the CIC) who will be Chair of the Committee, chairing both general and committee meetings
      • The attendance of the second Director for each meeting will normally alternate between the Directors
    • Membership Coordinator
    • Company Secretary who shall be responsible for CIC governance and compliance
    • Two to five Members who are members of EOLDUKand have skills and experience to benefit the CIC
  • Committee Members (bar the Directors), will serve for a period of 2 years and are eligible for re-election at the end of their term of office
  • The Directors of the CIC may decide to co-opt additional members to the Committee according to experience to work on specific projects as and when needed
  • Any Committee member not attending a meeting without an apology for three months will be contacted by the Directors and asked if they wish to resign

Annual General Meeting (AGM) and other meetings

  • An AGM will be held once a year and no longer than 15 months from the previous one held
  • A minimum of 7 clear days’ notice of an AGM will be given
  • Members can submit items for discussion once notification of AGM has been given
  • The Quorum must have 10% of the membership or 10 members (whichever is the greater number) in attendance for it to elect or make decisions on its behalf
  • The Committee will normally meet monthly either by face to face meeting or Zoom/Teams

Rules of procedure for AGM and meetings

  • If consensus cannot be reached a vote will be taken and a decision will be made by simple majority of members If the number of votes cast on each side is equal, the Chair of the meeting shall have an additional casting vote
  • Meetings will normally be organised by the Company Secretary
  • Minutes will be taken at every meeting


  • A bank account will be maintained
  • At least two Directors will authorise payments and act as signatories for payments
  • Records of income and expenditure will be maintained, and a financial statement given at each committee meeting
  • Annual Statement of Accounts will be presented at the Annual General Meeting

Amendments to the constitution

  • Amendments to this Constitution may be made by the Directors in consultation with the Committee and communicated at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting


  • Dissolution will be conducted in accordance with the Articles of Association