Rachel Freeman

Offers doula services in Worcestershire

To make contact with a doula, please fill out our Contact form

Contact details
(Please note that these details are the central EOL Doula UK contact details)

More about me

On leaving school I trained as a nurse and learnt that my interest lay in people’s health rather than ill health, the experience has stayed with me and has merged with other career paths. After a few years of globetrotting I settled back in the UK and trained as a dancer specialising in community practice. While bringing up my two children I worked as a birth doula and delight to play a continuing role with close friends and family births. Since 1996 I have been working with people living with and without disabilities, impairments, and health issues through dance, aerial dance and movement-based practice. Much of this work is borne out of my passion for inclusion, bringing people of all ages and abilities together to work creatively in a supported environment. I’m a Dementia Ambassador for the Alzheimer’s Society and run movement projects for elders living with dementia and young people. I supported two elderly friends in their end-of-life journeys and was profoundly moved by the dignity and peace with which they managed their last months. I learnt so much from the experience, not least the value of listening.