Chris Haywood

Offers doula services in Lancashire

To make contact with a doula, please fill out our Contact form

Contact details
(Please note that these details are the central EOL Doula UK contact details)
Chris Haywood

More about me


I am Chris, a recently retired nurse with over 40 years of experience in end of life care, working with individuals and their families.  Compassion is at the forefront of everything I do. From my understanding of the importance of end of life care, I have the skills, knowledge and compassion to support you emotionally, practically and spiritually in my role as end of life doula. I strive to live life to the full with love, laughter and joy caring for mind, body and spirit.  These matter to me and my own wellbeing, so I believe it is important to support you in whatever approach matters to you.

I can offer holistic, compassionate support for you and those people important to you at every stage of your end-of-life journey. I can help you to prepare before, during and after death – in person or online. I respect and work with people of all faiths or none. If you think I can be of help at any stage in your end-of-life journey please get in touch.