Bridgeen Boize

Offers doula services in East Sussex
Bridgeen has indicated that they may be available to provide support
Qualification status:
Qualified End of Life Doula


To make contact with a doula, please fill out our Contact form

Contact details
(Please note that these details are the central EOL Doula UK contact details)

More about me

I have enjoyed a very varied and full life so far, working in many fields while supporting my husband and bringing up my two daughters. After caring for my parents on and off until their deaths, I started working as an End of Life Carer firstly in the community and then in a live-in capacity. Since then I have supported many elderly people in their homes on a 2/3/4 week basis. During that time I have been their companion, guide, and confidant while also caring for all their needs and being there for them during difficult and sometimes upsetting situations. In 2018 I completed my Diploma Course as an End of Life Doula and although retired from live-in caring, I am able to walk alongside someone, at the very end of their life, who wishes to die at home, making it my role always to support their needs and wishes first. I strongly believe in living a natural and simple life and that the process of dying can be made in the same vein with comfort, compassion, peace, and dignity. I am loyal, reliable, organised with a ‘can do’ attitude, and feel passionately about supporting people who want to make their own decisions about how they die.  I am happy to work outside my area in a short time live-in role.