Awi Frances

Offers doula services in Devon

To make contact with a doula, please fill out our Contact form

Contact details
(Please note that these details are the central EOL Doula UK contact details)

More about me

In my professional role, as a carer, I supported a woman, along with her family, as she journeyed across the threshold. This life changing experience inspired me to become a trained End of Life Doula. I see the need for someone, other than family and medical staff, to be there to hold the space lovingly at this end of lifetime.

Training with Living Well Dying Well was deeply inspiring, yet couldn’t prepare me for the real challenges, sorrows and joys of accompanying someone I loved at the end of their life; as I discovered when I cared for my dying sister and her surviving teenage son.

I have rich and varied life experiences, with many practical and organisational skills, deep empathy, and the ability to be present for all people including children. I work as a Forest School trainer, carer and massage therapist. I am a qualified teacher and Psychophonetics counsellor. I have volunteered in Central America and lived as a peace activist. My life’s work has been to inspire people to connect with nature, care for themselves and our planet.

I moved to Devon in 2017.  I sing in a Threshold Choir, singing songs of love and peace for people at the end of life.