Oliver Muller

Offers doula services in Gloucestershire

To make contact with a doula, please fill out our Contact form

Contact details
(Please note that these details are the central EOL Doula UK contact details)

More about me

I have been interested in death and dying for some years, though would struggle to explain why. After reading lots of books about the medicalisation of death, the denial of death in our society and the missed opportunities for a meaningful goodbye in too many families, I decided to train as a death doula. I also volunteer in a hospice and attend the local death café.  

I have a genuine interest in other people’s stories, their fears and worries as well as their joys. I see in these stories mostly our common humanity. Having been a seeker for most of my life, it seems to me there is no right or wrong path in life and we all make mistakes along the way.