Meg Brown

Offers doula services in Suffolk

To make contact with a doula, please fill out our Contact form

Contact details
(Please note that these details are the central EOL Doula UK contact details)
Photo of Meg, End of Life Doula

More about me

I learnt so much about the dying process when my friend had cancer and I accompanied her over the two years of her illness. I learnt that dying could be talked about, with tears, yes, but also with laughter and warm companionship.

I feel passionately that at the end of life we should be accompanied and supported in whatever way we choose. As an End of Life Doula I am committed to offering whatever service I can that meets the wishes of a person who has a terminal diagnosis and may be approaching death. This may be sitting quietly or talking together; reading a book or listening to music; reminiscing about the past; contacting friends; exploring options for treatment; writing out an Advance Care Plan  for how the person wishes to be looked after; funeral planning;  setting up a lasting Power of Attorney; accessing complementary health therapies; exploring options for pet-care; offering support to family and carers.

I am trained to be well-informed in all these areas and I can act on the client’s behalf where that is requested. Sometimes it can be helpful to have a companion who is there, not as a medical professional or a loved one, simply a companion focussed on the wishes and comfort of the client.

I live in Burstall, near Ipswich, Suffolk.  If you think I might be able to help you on your journey to the end of life, please get in touch.