Marquis Allen

Offers doula services in USA

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Contact details
(Please note that these details are the central EOL Doula UK contact details)

More about me

It is my passion to help people and their loved ones be more prepared for the end of life by serving as a loving presence and providing them with the confidential planning and unbiased emotional and spiritual support they need during times of transitional life changes. ​  


I’ve earned over the years that every individual has a story and legacy they may wish to pass along to their loved ones. I believe that life is sacred, holistic, and that a dignified transition is a right entitled to every human being.​ 


As a matter of culture, respect, and various other reasons, most people do not discuss the matter of dying, even though it is all but inevitable. During times of grief and heartbreak, family and friends are often left making decisions with little to no guidance. This can add even more stress and anxiety to a situation that may already have an abundance of complex emotions.​ 


 Instead of avoiding discussions about death, it is important to realize that time can be spent having healthy conversations to capture life’s meaning, explore end of life wishes, and create a sense of wholeness to bring a more peaceful and sacred transition full of meaningful memories. In addition to this passion, I enjoy travelling, spending time with friends and family, and trying new foods.