Marlene Kelly

Offers doula services in Greater London

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Contact details
(Please note that these details are the central EOL Doula UK contact details)

More about me

I have 20 years experience of supporting people at end of life, some professionally and others personally. Some young people, but mostly older adults. I have worked with a wide range of people supporting them with the many issues that arise towards the end of one’s life.  

I provide kind, calm and non-judgmental support for whatever it is you may need, in the way you feel most comfortable with.

I live in the London Borough of Harrow and work as a Registered Manager of a care home. I have been the Manager for 16 years and specialise in working with people living with dementia. In my early career I managed a charity supporting people with physical and learning disabilities.

I have two children and enjoy spending time outdoors with them and going on holidays to the seaside.