Judy Knox

Offers doula services in Greater London

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Contact details
(Please note that these details are the central EOL Doula UK contact details)

More about me

I have been an End of Life Doula since 2019 and live in London with my husband and grown up son. My mantra for life is ‘carpe diem’ and I believe in living life to the full and enjoying all with which I am blessed.

Death has become a taboo subject in today’s society, and I would like to try and help normalise conversations around death; death is a certainty for us all. I believe in encouraging people to have conversations around dying and death so that people are not afraid to talk about them in everyday parlance. Community work is something I hope to build on as my practice grows; I co-facilitate a death café in West London and I am happy to talk to organisations/groups about what it means to be a companion at the end of life.

At the end of life, we can still live our best life with love, laughter and joy as well as coming to terms with the sadness of letting go. We are alive until we take our last breath, and my hope is to be able to support people, and those close to them, to allow them to live their best life until the end.