Cairine Fotheringham

Offers doula services in North Yorkshire

To make contact with a doula, please fill out our Contact form

Contact details
(Please note that these details are the central EOL Doula UK contact details)

More about me

My name is Cairine (pronounced Carrie with an ’n’ on the end!). I am Scottish and I live with my partner and little dog. My career spans 45 years and throughout that time I have worked in the ‘caring professions’. This has involved work with homeless people, women experiencing violence and/or mental cruelty, people with addictive behaviour, people with mental health problems and people with learning and/or physical disabilities. For the last 30 years I have worked for the NHS as a counsellor and for more than 10 years for our local Hospice where I run regular clinical supervision sessions for individual staff and groups. In addition I have a small private psychotherapy practice. I have previous experience of being diagnosed with a potentially life-limiting illness and all that that involves. I know what it is like to suddenly be faced with the prospect of death and leaving loved ones. I also know what is like to undergo invasive treatment such as surgery and chemotherapy and to feel your life is ‘in the hands of’ the medical profession. In addition I have experienced the loss of much-loved ones including my sister whose children we raised.