Bob Chiang

Offers doula services in Derbyshire

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Contact details
(Please note that these details are the central EOL Doula UK contact details)
Photo of Bob Chiang - End of Life Doula UK

More about me

I am an End of Life Doula, currently living in Buxton, Derbyshire. I was born and raised in Singapore, a place that offered a rich and diverse environment influenced by Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Islam and Christianity. Afterward, I spent seven years in Kuwait before moving to Scotland and eventually settling in Derbyshire. Having lived in so many varied places cultivated an appreciation for the beauty and diversity of different cultures and people within me.

I work as a Gardener, a Tai Chi instructor, a Deep Tissue Massage Therapist, and a Mindfulness coach. Each of these roles provides a unique form of fulfilment. My deep affinity for nature and the outdoors finds its expression in gardening. Teaching Tai Chi allows me to witness the transformative power of movement and body appreciation in people’s lives. Massage therapy enables me to connect not only with my own body but with the bodies of others, helping to alleviate any tension they may carry, and enabling them to feel better. With Mindfulness meditation, I empower people with the strength of mindfulness to transform their lives.

One of the most meaningful aspects of my doula work is supporting those at the end of life and their families. It’s a deeply personal and profound calling for me.

I thoroughly enjoy connecting with people and exploring the aspects of life that resonate with our deeper selves. Additionally, I have a strong ongoing interest in mindful approaches to end-of-life experiences.

Being a doula holds profound significance for me, as I support those on the journey of death and dying to ensure it is a positive, grace-filled experience, harmoniously intertwined with the beauty of nature.